Airsoft is a popular combat simulation game where participants are eliminated when hit by pellets launched from guns that resemble real firearms. In paintball participants try to hit each other with paintballs launched from a special paintball mark/gun. While airsoft is cheaper and provides a more than realistic warfare feel, paintball is more popular, more organized and has larger events.

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Airsoft versus Paintball comparison chart
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Airsoft Paintball
Definition Airsoft is a sport in which participants shoot round non-metallic pellets launched via replica firearms. Games don't have a standard definition as all sites choose to play their games differently. Paintball is a sport in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with capsules containing water soluble dye and gelatin shell outside (paintballs) propelled from a device called a paintball marker.
Equipment Airsoft Gun, Centre Protection (Some sites may make you wear a full face mask) and Bulletin board system. Everything else is optional. Required equipment consists of a paintball mask, commonly paintball marker (tags with barrel, etc may replace marker), tank, and hopper.
Guns Full imitation firearms or 51% brightly colored 2-tone guns. The 2-tones are used to offer cheap do guns to get people interested and due to law (See UK Airsoft laws). Guns are powered by rechargeable batteries, CO2 or spring. Guns consisting of a tank and hopper. Aiming with a paintball gun is done by lining up ones olfactory organ with the barrel of the gun equally "sights" on paintball guns are well-nigh useless. The gun tin be powered by CO2 or HPA, although HPA is preferred.
Accessories Magazines, BB-bullet (See revolvers) Paintballs and hopper. Hoppers contain paintballs and all practise then at different amounts. Different guns place the hopper either on top and in the middle or off to the side. Hoppers operate at different speeds, and many are available on the market.
Usability Slightly more hard to load due to magazines having to constantly be winded. Like shooting fish in a barrel maneuver and carry around. Extremely like shooting fish in a barrel to load through the use of pods, pods are carried past pod packs and may accept elastics to aid in ejecting pods faster.
Cost Cheaper than Paintball. $10-20 per 5,000 bbs. Paintballs are usually sold in "cases" consisting of 2000 paintballs. Prices may go as low every bit $xxx for average consumer.
Contact Some sites include 'Blindside' and 'Pocketknife' rules. The bang dominion means that instead of shooting someone a meter away from you lot, you can shout Bang! in society to not crusade them damage. Toy knives made of cream or plastic. Most fields allow physical contact consisting of tagging opponents with barrel, fake sword, light saber etc. Mercy rule usually for players 5 feet away from one another.
Venue Can be played anywhere. e.thousand. RAF bases, shopping malls, woodland areas. Can be played anywhere, usually on a speedball field or in woodland areas with a few farmyard buildings.
Pyrotechnics BB grenades, flashbangs and smoke grenades nevertheless their usage differs by site. Paint grenade, rockets, and fume grenade; usage varies by site.
Realism Players can either rent a gun, Bulletin board system, eye protection and a camo jacket or spend coin buying their own equipment. MIL-SIM events include realistic equipment, loadouts, vesture and behaviour. Game scenarios have a realistic objective but anyone may play due to the many dissimilar types of paintball.
Events for hardcore players? Yes; tournaments & prizes, and large scale (300+ player) operations. Yes; tournaments & prizes, every bit well as record breaking extreme sports events drafting upwards of 5000 people
Player age Airsoft ordinarily includes players from all ages. ten+ x+ (virtually players are 16 - 30)
Hardware Airsoft guns unremarkably need to exist upgraded to be good, and airsoft guns suspension a lot easier. Paintball guns are basically expert one time bought, paintball guns are a lot more durable and concluding a lot longer with no maitenence.

At an airsoft game..


At an airsoft game..

Difference in equipment

Paintball airsoft are similar in that they are combat simulation games that use replica guns. In both the games the aim is to eliminate opponents by hitting them. The rules, equipment and gear used are different.


In airsoft, the gun is made to look similar real-earth firearms. The plastic pellets resemble the bullets and are loaded every bit magazines but like with real guns. In paintball, the marker is loaded with paintballs through a bulky hopper. The gun has to be held upright for proper loading of the paintballs while it is easier to reload an airsoft gun.


The ammunition for airsoft can fit into a regular sized magazine. The small size makes it easier to carry around. Paintballs are large and the hopper is bulky making information technology hard to carry around. The pocket-sized size of the ammunition enables easy maneuverability of an airsoft gun. It is easier to single-out an opponent hitting by a paintball as information technology marks the target with colorful paint. For this reason, it is easier to cheat in airsoft where in that location is no visual indication to marking a hitting target.

Goggles and Masks

An airsoft role player has to habiliment goggles to protect his eyes from injury while playing. A paintball thespian has to vesture face mask while playing to avoid serious injury.

Cost of the equipment

Autonomously from the size of the ammunition, paintballs are more costly than airsoft ammunition. Most airsoft guns use rechargeable batteries or are leap-loaded. Hence, they are cheaper when compared to paintball markers that utilize CO2.

Roles of the players

The roles of airsoft players are based on type of weaponry. Depending on the nature of the gun, there are many additional roles that are not institute in paintball. Long rifles are used by snipers, rifles and grenades are used by attack troops, shotguns are used to breach doors and close corners. Auto cannons are used by heavy weapons specialist. At that place are team medics in longer scenario battles.

The roles of paintball players are based on their experience and preferences. The players accept the same weaponry. Paintball technology is used by military forces, police enforcement, para-armed services and security organizations to supplement military machine grooming, anarchism response and non-lethal suppression of unsafe suspects.


This is a good give-and-take thread near cheating in paintball and airsoft. It's harder to crook at Paintball considering hits are very visible. Hits in airsoft are harder to detect non just for the person shooting merely too the person getting striking. Airsoft relies a lot more on the honor system. The perception is that at that place is less cheating in paintball than airsoft but that could besides be because cheating is easily detected.


People who switch from paintball to airsoft usually exercise so because of cost. Airsoft gear and guns (Amazon link) are much less expensive than paintball and it costs less to play.


  • Wikipedia:Airsoft
  • Wikipedia:Paintball
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"Airsoft vs Paintball." Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2022. < >