badminton racket handle vs tennis racket handle

badminton racket handle vs tennis racket handle

A skillful badminton game starts with how y'all concur your dissonance which is the virtually important basic pace. A skillful grip on badminton rackets can reduce injuries, increase the range of shots and produces more efficient hits.

A player may get carried away with the game that the beginning essential thing to do is forgotten hence results in poor performance and multiple mistakes during game. Wrong grip will limit the range of strokes required in a dynamic badminton game.

There'due south a omnibus from Denmark who has developed a new tool that would correct the way everyone should hold a racket. Check out more than about this new tool at the finish of this web log.

Hither are clear visuals showing the angles and positions of how a dissonance should be held. Practise these piece of cake steps until they become natural to you lot, the rest will go a long way.

ane) Forehand Grip

Start by positioning your noise in this mode for the basic grip. And so hold the racket handle using a "hand-shake' grip.
Do non grip too tightly. Gently hold the dissonance and you should still be able to move and twist the racket with flexible wrist movement. Clench tightly merely when hit is executed. The band and last finger are in that location to prevent noise slipping out of hands.

This grip method is safe to be used in almost all forehand shots.

Notice the right positions of fingers to follow in these different dissonance angle views.

Below: A skilful guideline is to grade a Five-Shape between the pollex and alphabetize finger.

2) Backhand Thumb Grip

Players must be able to twist the racket fast enough in gild to change and use dissimilar grip for backhand shots.  With a backhand pollex grip, it volition be easier for you to make the shot beyond the court.

The forepart of the racket head must constantly exist facing the incoming shuttlecock for a successful return to opponent'south court. Pollex should be placed correctly on the noise handle where the forepart of racket frame is. This is because your thumb is the main driver to push the racket for all backhand shots.

Once again, clench loosely on the handle and tighten only when hitting is executed.

This grip can be useful for many kinds of strokes, a very skillful YouTube channel that volition show y'all the right style to practise it is the 'Badminton Famly' . In this roughly 6-minute amazing video, former globe no. oneThomas Laybourn shows us five ways where you lot'll be using backhand thumb grip.
Fastforward video to 3:10.

3) Backhand Bevel Thumb Grip

Unlike backhand thumb grip, bevel grip is more for applying defensive and deceptive shots.
For very skilful examples on how to apply this bevel grip, you may view this video from Badminton Famly.
The video also points out the difference between a forehand, bevel, pollex and hammer grip.

Besides that, this grip can besides help you lot to do your high backhand clear effectively. The racket when held using the bevel grip, would set a perfect bending for you lot to execute the backhand clear.

4) Hammer Grip

Hammer grip is useful when you are executing jumping smashes. Retrieve how yous hold a hammer?

It simply starts with a forehand grip, rotate the grip swiftly to a hammer grip while you lot are swinging your arm during the jump and then tighten your grip when information technology'southward time to hit the shuttlecock. Observe that yous must not comprehend any fingers.

Watch Thomas Laybourn's video in Badminton Famly YouTube aqueduct for clearer explanation.
Fastforward video to 2:45.

5) Cyberspace Tap Grip or Pan Concord Grip

It'southward chosen a pan concur grip because that's the same way we agree cooking pans.

This is the kind of gripping needed on the forepart court near to the net when the shuttlecock is returned very closely to the internet. At just the correct moment earlier the shuttlecock starts to descend, a short tapping activeness needs to be executed.

Relax your fingers, gently hold the racket using thumb and fingers creating some infinite betwixt racket handle and palm. Yous'll exist using your thumb, index finger and heart finger to do the tap. Fingers should be cradling the racket handle subtly until borer striking is executed.

Incorrect Grip

Below : Thumb should not be covering any of your fingers equally this would constraint the motility of racket. This kind of grip would allow footling or no motion of racket at all.

Below : Index finger should non exist extended to prevent injuries. Alphabetize fingers must exist bent and wrap the racket handle naturally.

Beneath: If you place your grip this fashion, you would miss every shot as the shuttlecock would go nowhere with this. Notice that the thumb is on the handle where the side of noise is.

Let us know your experience on this subject in the comment section below.

Aye, before we become, here'south something every badminton beginner or even experienced player might want to consider having to practice their dissonance holding.

Introducing the Gripfixer. View product by clicking Hither or click on the picture below.


badminton racket handle vs tennis racket handle

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